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21 Side Hustle Ideas to Make Extra Cash

This article is for people who want to find a side hustle ideas to do after work and that allows you to supplement their salary at the end of the month.

I want to make a premise before starting in this list you will only find jobs oriented to the online world, there are other traditional jobs that can become a second job

but for reasons related to the themes of my blog in this article I will only talk about online jobs

Here is the list of the 21 best side hustle ideas:

  1. Selling products received for free
  2. Affiliation
  3. Teach online
  4. Online surveys
  5. Create a blog
  6. Translator
  7. Online shop
  8. Fiverr
  9. Write Ebook
  10. Amazon
  11. Amazon FBA
  12. Amazon Handmade
  13. YouTube
  14. Telegram
  15. Onlyfans
  16. Matched Betting
  17. Selling photos of feet
  18. Online Trading
  19. Infoproducts
  20. Airbnb
  21. Dropshipping

Selling products received for free

one of the second most popular and growing in fame is selling products received for free

if you don’t know this method to round up your salary then read carefully

in the Amazon platform there are many sellers of products who try to sell through Amazon and exploiting the fame and notoriety of Amazon

the problem is that to make themselves known these sellers must be able to position their products on the first pages of Amazon

and to be able to position themselves on the first page of Amazon, these sellers give products to certain customers in order to advertise themselves and in order to show Amazon that people like the product

this activity influences the Amazon algorithm which consequently rewards the product and the seller by placing it in the first search results

easy right?

if this method has attracted your curiosity, I recommend reading this article: Amazon Domination Formula

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliations are a form of digital marketing that allows any user to sell products from other companies online and receive compensation for each product sold

to start earning with affiliations you need to sign up for the affiliate program of the product you are interested in

most of the online businesses have an affiliate program, even Amazon has its own affiliate program

Amazon Associates The Amazon affiliate program is one of the most popular online and allows you to receive a commission for the sale of any Amazon product

for more information I recommend reading this article: earning with affiliations

Online Teacher

what is online teaching?

an online teacher is a person who makes money by teaching his subject online,

the lessons are organized remotely and can be private lessons or group lessons through online platforms 

Unlike a classic teacher an online teacher can earn in several

here are the 4 ways an online teacher can earn:

  • Private teaching
  • Online courses
  • Teaching materials
  • Commissions

the best platforms to teach online are:

  • Youclassme
  • Social academy
  • Life learning
  • iTalky
  • Savvy
  • Udemy

Online surveys

what are online surveys?

online surveys are forms created by companies for consumers where questions are asked about which products should be produced

the consumer by answering the questions of these surveys has the opportunity to express his opinions and to give very useful information for companies on products, services, etc.

companies later thanks to the information collected by these forms have the opportunity to improve their products and services

and create new products and services that aim to meet customer expectations

the duration of the surveys is variable as well as the income that can be obtained but earning with the surveys remains in fact one of the simplest methods to earn money online

the best websites to do online surveys are:

  • Swagbuck
  • mysurvey
  • high opinion
  • world opinion
  • center of opinion

Create a blog

I can not fail to mention the creation of blogs in the methods to supplement the salary

creating a blog is one of the second most common jobs in fact there are many stories of independent workers who have opened their blog while working

one of the most interesting stories is that of Andrea Giuliodori who opened his blog effectively when he was in London and worked as an engineer 

today his blog is his main source of income with a turnover of a few million euros

the blog is an online space where the blog owner has the opportunity to communicate his thoughts, share his opinions and talk about topics that interest him

all this without any limit on the issues to be dealt with and without any limitation

the goal with a blog is to create an audience of readers loyal to the blog

once you get a good number of constant readers then you can monetize the blog 

there are several methods to monetize blogs, here is the list of the main methods:

  • advertising banners
  • affiliate marketing
  • sponsored posts
  • online courses
  • digital products
  • consultancy services


what is the translator?

a translator is a person who allows you to translate texts and documents into different languages ​​in exchange for an economic payment

The income of an online translator depends on several factors, such as the length of the text, the type of language and the availability of automatic translation tools.

there are languages ​​that are much easier to translate than others and languages ​​that are more in demand than others

the price range for this type of service is wide

there are translators who earn a few tens of euros per translation while there are other translators who even earn hundreds of euros by doing certified translations

Online shop

An online store is a website that uses e-commerce technologies and that allows its owner to exhibit their products to an online audience who can buy products directly from the internet.

Online stores are generally created using e-commerce software

the best platforms to create online stores are:

  • Shopify
  • Wix
  • Magento
  • Woocommerce
  • Prestashop

in recent years there has been an increase in e-commerce which has resulted in an increase in the demand for professionals who know how to create and manage online stores 

a great ideas for people who want to find a second job, the only problem is that there is a need for study before mastering the skills that this job requires


Fiverr is one of the most popular marketplaces where you can sell your skills

on Fiverr users find any type of professional able to solve any type of problem in totally different areas 

many people use Fiverr as a second job, the customers are many and any type of job can be proposed

as in the example below, this professional who requires $156.27 to have the audio file of an evil creature from a video game

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Write an e-book

An ebook is a book in digital format that can be downloaded and read on an electronic device such as a computer, smartphone or Ipad

the most common formats when it comes to ebooks are PDF and ePub

writing an ebook is a relatively simple activity, which can be done as a second job with the future goal of selling the book on online platforms

the skills needed to write an ebook are very few, in reality it is enough to have a computer and a text editor to start writing the book

here is the list of the best to earn by writing:

  • Write me
  • Blasting news
  • greatcontent
  • extbroker
  • paid to write
  • scribox
  • O2O

also if you are good at writing the ebook and they are one of the many ways to earn by writing

other ways to supplement your salary with writing are:

  • creating blogs
  • Web writer
  • ghost writer


Amazon is the most popular e-commerce platform in the world and also the most used platform in the world 

According to a recent study, Amazon has around 90 million active users worldwide

this large number of users allows sellers to have great opportunities on the platform 

that’s why many secondary jobs were born thanks to Amazon

Here are the 3 main jobs that can be done thanks to Amazon:

  • Amazon affiliation
  • Amazon FBA
  • Amazon Handmade

Amazon affiliation

Affiliations are a marketing tool used by the companies we talked about a few lines above

Amazon has its own Affiliate Program which is one of the most trusted on the web, Amazon’s Affiliate Program is called: Amazon Affiliate Program

this program allows you to promote any product on the Amazon platform and to receive a commission

the commission varies from product to product and from category to category 

registration is very simple just connect to the Amazon site and apply for the affiliate program

the response to the application arrives within a couple of days to your email address and after activating your account you can start earning with affiliations

Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is the Amazon service that allows sellers to sell products using Amazon’s logistics and platform tools


being able to use Amazon Fulfillment is a great benefit for sellers because Amazon Fulfillment Service is one of the best in the world

the advantages that a seller derives from it are:

  • faster shipping
  • greater customer satisfaction
  • reduction of storage costs

this activity is an activity that can become a second job when you have products to sell but you don’t want to manage logistics and storage

The advantage of making money with Amazon FBA is that it takes away a large part of the work of a seller leaving them more time to use for studying the strategy and for marketing

Amazon Handmade

Amazon handmade is the Amazon community where artists and artisans can sell their products

if in your spare time you like to create handmade products then this platform is for you

the registration is very simple and you do not need to have any special requirements, the only point on which the platform is uncompromising is that the products must be made by hand


YouTube is a platform that needs no introduction in fact it is the number one search engine for multimedia content in the Google family with more than 1 billion active users worldwide.

the YouTube platform is an excellent way to get a second job from home, 

access to the platform is extremely simple and free for everyone and also does not require any particular technical skills

a smartphone is enough for you to record good quality videos that can be posted on YouTube

The platform allows you to monetize your content in many ways

the main ways to make money with YouTube are:

  • Advertising
  • Sponsored Content
  • affiliation
  • Crowfunding
  • sale of merchandising


Telegram is an instant messaging platform that allows users to communicate with each other through secure messages

communication security is the main feature of this platform 

another main feature of the platform is the fact that there are no size limits in fact the groups that can be created on the platform can have up to 250,000 people 

Telegram is an excellent platform for developing online businesses, in fact, in addition to the features I mentioned above, it allows the creation of opensource software that integrate the platform and allows you to extend the capabilities of your account.

these software are called bots and are accounts controlled by a program rather than a person 

Telegram can become a good second job if you learn how the platform works, this is because Telegram has so many ways to monetize 

here is the list of the 9 ways to earn with Telegram:

  • Telegram Affiliate Marketing
  • Telegram Strategist Seller
  • Sale of products received for free
  • Affiliate programs
  • Bot
  • Sales groups
  • sale of advertising space
  • private groups
  • Telegram channels

to learn more about these 9 ways to earn I recommend reading this article: earning with Telegram


onlyfans is a platform where you can have access to adult entertainment content

the platform has become very popular in recent years because celebrities like Bella Thorne, rapper Cardi B, wrestler Toni Storm have written themselves on the platforms

The content creators of OnlyFans as in any other platform earn thanks to the content they create and thanks to the audience they are able to create

OnlyFans is often linked to content exclusively for adults, it should be noted that there are many contet creators who do not publish explicit content 

you can earn decent sums of money also by publishing other types of content

for example, there are creators who only post pictures of feet

the main ways to make money with OnlyFans are:

  • Subscriptions
  • paid post
  • tips from fans
  • paid messages
  • live streaming
  • fundraising

for more information I recommend reading this article: earning with OnlyFans

Matched betting

matched betting is a betting technique that comes directly from the UK and which allows people to make money online using bookmakers’ bonuses and offers

the technique is based on a mathematical model and therefore risk-free as you bet on all the possible outcomes of an event

matched betting can be an excellent second job also because the method works

indeed on the Ninjabet site you have the statistics of how much users earn with this method

according to Ninjabet data:

  • 60% of users earn $250 per month
  • 30% of users earn $500 per month
  • 10% of users earn more than $800 per month

for more information I recommend reading this article: Earning with matched betting

Selling Foot Photos

We have already talked about selling foot photos in the section dedicated to Onlyfans because it is a common practice of that platform 

however, the subject has such potential that it needs to be treated separately

this practice is carried out by different people around the world and with truly amazing results

many people manage to easily earn a salary of $1,000 per month with this type of photo while the craziest gain was made by a Canadian lady

the lady in question earned $90,000 over the course of a year, which equates to approximately $7,500 per month

this trend that has been growing in recent years exploits the pleasure that foot fetishists derive from looking at or having pictures of feet

here are the best websites for selling foot photos:

  • Onlyfans
  • Instafeet
  • Feetfinder
  • Reddit
  • Dollarfeet
  • Feetify
  • Feetpics
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Etsy

for more information I recommend reading this article: How to sell Foot Photos

Online trading

online trading is a way of investing in the stock market that is open and accessible to everyone

trading consists of investing in stocks, bonds and other financial instruments with the aim of earning money

if once this type of investment was reserved for a few financial agents, today thanks to the web everyone has the opportunity to invest in the financial markets from the comfort of their own home

online trading is an activity that can easily be a second job if you take the necessary safety measures and if you know the theory of risk management

the activity is very simple but it is not intended for any person, in fact you need to be able to manage your emotions well before trying this type of investment

making money online with trading is not a suitable activity for everyone

for those who are suitable for online trading, here is the list of the most popular platforms:

  • eToro
  • Plus500
  • Avatrade
  • IQ Option


the infoproducts are digital products containing information on a specific topic and which can be downloaded from the web

the most common infoproducts are infoproducts, software, audio books and video courses

the demand for these digital products and therefore their sale has grown exponentially in recent years because the information market is growing online

and the progress that the internet brings makes information truly the key factor that determines success today

the infoproducts are also very simple to create any person can in a few days create his first infoproduct to sell online

the number one requirement to create an infoproduct is to have knowledge in a certain field

if you are an expert, a professional in a certain field then you should consider the idea of ​​creating an infoproduct where you teach your competence and where you share tips for people who would like to follow your same path

it doesn’t have to be a video course but even a simple book or ebook can allow you to earn and supplement your salary 

for more information I recommend reading this article: making money with infoproducts


Airbnb is a platform that can become a second job if done right

Airbnb is the platform that allows you to share your home or the properties you have available with other people in exchange for a remuneration

in general, Airbnb customers are tourists who need accommodation to spend the night

the procedure is very simple you have to sign up on their website and create an account 

the website will ask you for photos of the space you want to rent and information such as the accessories you want to make available to customers

you can also impose rules on your guests to respect for example things not to do at home etc.

there are two ways to make money through Airbnb

the first way is the traditional one that consists in renting your own spaces or properties while the second way to earn with Airbnb is to use other people’s properties and manage it as if it were your own

for more information I recommend reading this article: earning with Airbnb


dropshipping is a business model where an online store owner sells his supplier’s products

the shop owner is only involved in the marketing activity of advertising the products

the supplier will take care of the logistics and storage

this business has been very successful in recent years and more and more people have chosen this method of earning as a second income

the requirement you need to do this activity the online store we talked about above

the advantages that this business methodology gives you are many:

  • you don’t need an investment to get started
  • you don’t manage storage
  • you do not handle the shipment
  • you can start right away

not to mention the fact that the gains that can be made with this business methodology are truly enormous

for more information I recommend reading this article: making money with dropshipping