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How to Write a Blog Post

in this article you will learn how to write a blog article

writing a blog article is a blogger’s specialty, the core skill and the one that occupies most of the blogger’s time

in this sense it is essential to know how to write a blog article that works in terms of usefulness and that respects the rules of good publication

here are the steps to write an article :

  1. locate the topic of the article 
  2. identify the objective of the article
  3. choose the keyword of the article
  4. choose a title
  5. write the article
  6. promote the article
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Find the article topic

the first step to take when writing a blog article is to identify the topic of the blog

after choosing the blog niche in general, you try to find a list of topics that can be treated for the selected niche

to determine the best topics to cover, we usually look for what are the most frequently asked and most relevant questions on a given topic

these questions can be found online through market research, forums and social networks

Identify the objective of the article

blog articles can have different goals, 

the article can aim to convert readers into customers , an article can aim to advertise a product or an article can aim to present the story of the brand

you must be very clear about the purpose of the article

generally the main goal of a blog post is to buy readers for the blog and grow blog visits

identifying the goal and being clear about it allows you to write much more precisely and to have a high writing quality

Choose the keyword of the article

keywords are the words that are alienated from the content of the article and that allow the search engine to understand the subject of the article

Keywords are keywords that describe the content of an article and that help readers find your article when they are looking for information on a specific topic.

the choice of the keyword is an important procedure because it can determine the positioning on the search engines of your articles

in general, the choice of the keyword depends on several factors such as the reference niche of the blog, the competition, the number of monthly searches for the keyword

a young blog should focus on less competitive keywords while an authoritative blog can also position itself on keywords with much more competition

Choose the title of the article

to choose a blog post title focus on factors such as audience search intent , information you want to convey, and blog content

in general a blog article title should be eye catching to attract potential readers

consider inserting numbers in the title as well , inserting numbers in the titles increases the opening rate of the article

Write blog article

After choosing the title it’s time to write the body of the article

the body of the article is where you will go to cover the main topic of the article, answer the main questions as soon as possible and no information is born at the end of the article

insert images and videos in the body of the article, this can help your readers to better understand the topic of the blog

the writing must be concise and clear, the readability must be high so write short and clear sentences and avoid walls of text

use and respect the SEO rules to improve the positioning of your articles and to improve the visibility of your blog

SEO (search engine optimization ) is the discipline that consists in respecting the rules of the search engine to improve the understanding of your blog by Google

What is the ideal length for a blog post?

There isn’t a perfect length for a blog post, but it’s generally recommended that you write at least 500 words.

The longer the post, the greater the chances that readers will find it useful 

remember that the goal is to answer all the questions a reader may have about a certain topic

the length of the article is not the most important point, the most important point is to respond to the reader ‘s search intent with an article that is as relevant as possible

WordPress provides free plugins that allow you to count the number of words used 

one of the WordPress plugins that helps you to count the words used and Rank math which is also one of the best plugins that do an SEO analysis of the articles

What’s the best way to structure a blog article?

the best way to structure a blog post is generally with a catchy title , introduction, main body, and conclusion

the main body is where the main topic is dealt with and where most of the reader ‘s questions are answered

often a secondary body is added to the main body, useful for answering the reader ‘s second research intent as well as the secondary questions that may arise when reading the article

the rule in the body is to divide the body into several smaller and easier to read paragraphs for the reader to improve the comprehensibility of the article 

the conclusion summarizes the main topic of the post and the solutions proposed by the article

What are the techniques for writing blog articles that stand out?

The techniques for writing a blog article that stands out are as follows:

  • use examples
  • use case studies
  • insert original images
  • insert infographics

other techniques are the creation of original articles that explain the topic from a new perspective and that no one else has treated in that way,

finally, a very effective technique is the creation of guides on a certain topic, the guides are considered very useful by readers especially when it comes to “how-to” guides that teach step by step to perform tasks

Tips to improve blog article writing?

Tips for improving blog article writing are reviewing and correcting errors

make sure your articles have no grammatical errors

the presence of errors can lower the level of your article as well as the perception of your professionalism by your readers

another tip to improve your writing is to do extensive research on the blog article, the more information you have the more your article will have a high value

another tip to improve article writing is to use simple words and direct language

simple writing facilitates the communication of the message and the text becomes easier to digest

Promote the article

promotion is the last part of writing a blog article

Once the blog article is published, it is important to share it to increase visibility. 

in general, articles are published on social media where they have a great chance of being shared and going viral

Facebook is the social network where most blog articles are published and shared

other platforms that can help promote articles are: Reddit , Quora, Twitter, Pinterest

You can also invite other bloggers to link to your article in their publications which will help spread your article