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How To Increase Blog Traffic: [18 Effective Methods]

Hi you! 🙂

In this article I want to talk to you about a really important topic in the world of blogging and bloggers

Today I’m going to talk to you about how to increase blog visits and make it grow faster

The information you will find below is the same that allowed me in a year to go from 50 monthly organic visits to more than 5000 monthly organic visits in 15 months , you will find the report here -> Monthly traffic report

Ubersuggest source

Here is the list of 18 ways to increase blog visits:

  1. Traffic Authority School
  2. Use Ranko
  3. Define your blog niche
  4. Do Keyword Research
  5. Research Topics
  6. Create the blog editorial plan
  7. Write quality articles
  8. Increase blog visits with advertising
  9. Increase blog visits with the newsletter
  10. Increase blog visits with YouTube
  11. Increase blog visits with Pinterest
  12. Comment marketing
  13. Create infographics to make the blog known
  14. Optimize the blog from an SEO perspective
  15. Understanding users’ search intent
  16. Promote the blog on social media (promote old blog articles)
  17. Insert social buttons in blog articles
  18. do guest posting


The list of actions to be taken to increase blog visits can be lengthened but these are the key and most impactful points you need to focus on if you want to increase your blog traffic.

now we will try to see and analyze these steps one by one

Traffic Authority School

Traffic is undoubtedly the most important part of a blog, a blog without traffic is absolutely useless

traffic authority school is the video course that allows you to blow up your blog traffic

in this course you will find all the strategies I use and that have allowed me to grow my blog …

… And that continue to grow my blog!

if you’re having a hard time growing your blog it’s probably because of MUM

If your blog doesn’t grow the problem is MUM

what is MUM?

I recommend that you carefully watch this short video from May 2021 made by Google’s vice president and head of the search engine: Prabhakar Raghavan

MUM is the change that Google has made to its algorithm that prevents you from growing

Google is increasingly becoming a semantic search engine

and to increase the traffic of a blog in a semantic search engine you need to have the right knowledge and strategies

in Traffic Authority School you will find all the information, knowledge and strategies you need to blow up your blog traffic

… And consequently increase your online earnings

the introductory price is 67 €

Price that will increase as my traffic increases -> monthly traffic report


Use Ranko

Ranko is the software created by Jeansy Sese that allows you to increase visits to the blog using semantic seo

what is semantic SEO?

semantic SEO is a search engine optimization technique that focuses on the topics that a blog must deal with to increase the Topical Authority

the Topical authority (or topical authority) is a value that Google assigns to your blog and that indicates the authority you have on a certain topic

Google’s reasoning is very simple, an authoritative site tends to have more reliable information than a lesser site

and this improved reliability is rewarded with an improvement in overall search engine rankings

semantic SEO through Ranko software is the main strategy of this blog and has allowed to have an exponential growth ( see traffic report )

the use of the Ranko software is free and accessible to all

for more information send an email to [email protected]

Define your blog niche

Define your niche before starting a blog, define what the main topic of your blog will be and what you will develop the articles on

The visits of the blog can be increased thanks to the correct choice of the niche on which to operate

the choice of a blog niche is an extremely important choice, as I always say you must be willing to dedicate at least 3 years to your niche

That’s right you got it right you must be willing to spend at least 3 years in your niche

this implies 2 things:

  1. You need to find a niche that is large enough that you can spend 3 years writing on it, then that has enough material to write about for years, that has sub-categories you can explore, and that has related topics you can link to.
  2. You have to be passionate about your niche, which is immediately linkable to the point above.
    Passion in your niche will allow you to continue studying and to continue bringing new information even after years

niche choice is something not to be taken lightly, you need to be passionate and tied to your niche

only in this way will you not lose your enthusiasm in the long run

Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is the basis of a good blog, it is the starting point of a successful blog

There are several ways to do keyword research and I talked about them in my article, but the gist of keyword research is this:

Find keywords that have a good search volume and that we have little competition or not too much competition for your blog

Blog visits increase thanks to a correct choice of keywords and a structured editorial plan taking into account the competition and search volume of the keyword

the point is that to start positioning yourself in search engines you have to be authoritative for Google, which in simple words means that you have to be able to earn the first page of Google and the first positions in search engines

the more you manage to get into the best positions, the more your site will appear more and more important to Google and the more you will attract organic traffic

and consequently Google will tend to take your site more and more into consideration

So in the early stages of your blog when you are practically unknown your number one task is to get yourself seen by Google

That’s why you have to attack keywords where there is little competition (usually long tail keywords ) and only then start writing on bigger and more competitive keywords.

Research Topics

Topic research is a new concept and I teach in my Traffic Authority School course , what does it consist of?

Simple is to focus your research not on specific keywords but rather on clusters of topics

Google is changing and becoming more and more a semantic search engine and this has different consequences on the world in which it processes information on the web.

Doing the search for topics instead of doing a keyword research allows you to set up a site that is structured just as Google wants and this has the advantage of making it easier for the Google algorithm to interpret your blog and information that are present there

which leads to faster indexing and generally faster growth

if you are interested in learning how to research topics, I invite you to enroll in my course

Create the blog editorial plan

The editorial plan is the strategy behind keyword research, as we said above, blog visits increase thanks to an optimal editorial plan

the editorial plan is the list of articles that you are going to write in the right order and timing so that you can quickly grow your blog

After finding and choosing the keywords you will find yourself with a relatively large list of keywords and possible articles and topics to be covered

the editorial plan allows you to put some order in this huge amount of information, having all the right keywords does not automatically mean having done the job in the best way

keywords are not enough but it takes the right order and the right strategy to manage these keywords

the MER (minor and rapid) point of the editorial plan according to the Freenancer method is to initially choose uncompetitive keywords with a good search volume and dominate them

when I say dominate these keywords I mean the work of treating these keywords from all their points of view and from all angles of reading these keywords

Write quality articles

Writing articles is the last part of the job when it comes to increasing the visits of a blog, the writing of the article is in fact the final part after researching the keywords and setting up an editorial plan.

But how do you write to grow a blog ?

and here opens a nice parenthesis and there are many different versions from blogs to answer this question

I want to make a premise what I will tell you is all the result of my experience and can be at odds with other people on the web

Always following the MER Method what I found is that there are two features that will help your articles:

  1. The information package : which means the set of information that a possible reader will find in your article

    you must know that Google works like a Mind Map (I’ll let you search for Mind map images on Google if you don’t know what I’m talking about) and who already has an idea of ​​the information that is related to each other

    if you can create an information rich article and you can integrate related information and integrate the answers to possible questions of your reader , in most cases that article will have success
  2. The length of the article : according to my statistics the articles that rank better have at least 1000 words

    now take this number as an average and a help, the length of your articles depend a lot from topic to topic

    there are topics that need more explanations longer than others obviously

    But roughly know that the average length is 1000 words so try to avoid writing blog articles that are too short

To conclude I would like to add another very important thing that helps the growth of the blog and that helps to increase the visits of your blog.

the frequency of writing !

Also on this point there are many people who say different things my advice and what I can deduce from my experience is that constancy is undoubtedly an essential requirement.

but that the frequency of publication is something important

a blog that publishes more articles has a tendency to grow faster than one that publishes fewer (with the same keyword research and editorial plan)

Increase blog visits with advertising

Advertising means paying to present your blog content in front of a potential audience , usually targeting your products.

The visits to the blog increase thanks to advertising this is well known on the web and it is also the reason why many companies spend so much money on advertising to increase their visibility

there are many people, bloggers and marketers who have products and who, in order to offer them to their customers, are willing to pay other bloggers and marketers for more visibility

the advantages of advertising and that it allows you to increase the visibility of your products, services and content in an extremely easy way

the disadvantage is that this method requires an investment that is proportional to the quality of the people you are going to touch

in simple terms, the more people your product will be presented to customers the more money you will have to spend

Increase blog visits with the newsletter

another way to increase blog visits is through the newsletter.

what is the newsletter?

the newsletter is the sending by e-mail of a periodic update of a blog, in this email the reader can receive information on the blog, promotional content or exclusive content to the people who are part of the email list of the newsletter

visits to the blog increase thanks to the newsletter which, in addition to bringing you traffic, has many other advantages

the first advantage of the newsletter is that it is free.

There are several software that allow you to create email campaigns without having to spend money, these software in fact force you to take packages of offers only when you exceed a certain number of users subscribed to your newsletter (around 100 users for certain software)

the best software to get started is Sendinblue which has a free plan with unlimited number of contacts and lots of advanced features

other features of these software is that they are simple to set up and program and allow you to write Emails just as if you were writing articles for your blog

Although email marketing is a strategy that has been present on the web for a long time and in any case no longer very young, its effectiveness is not to be doubted.

many bloggers continue to state that the email conversion rate is still very high

Increase blog visits with YouTube

YouTube is a great platform to help you increase your blog traffic.

YouTube is a search engine just like Google so users are looking for videos that respond and solve some of their problems

By creating videos that address the problems of your niche and placing links that lead to your blog, you can easily attract target audiences with your channel and blog.

blog visits increase with YouTube in fact a technique often used by bloggers to increase blog visits with YouTube is to use articles as a support for their video on YouTube

This way the people who will see the video will not only have an interesting and complete video because it will be easier for you to present something you have already worked on.

but in addition they will see your blog on your video and this will allow you to present your blog and the reader to have more resources to inform themselves

Increase blog visits with Pinterest

Pinterest is a platform that is not talked about enough, in fact it is a very different platform from Instagram and Facebook and with enormous potential

Blog visits can also increase with Pinterest.

Pinterest is a search engine just like Google , don’t make the mistake everyone makes of considering it a social network

Increasing blog visits with Pinterest means harnessing the power of the search engine and constantly receiving organic visits without any extra effort

in simple words, the contents you publish on Pinterest, if they are quality contents, have a tendency to remain in the first Pinterest searches for a very long period

Allowing you to have a second source of high-level organic traffic after Google

Why do I say high-level traffic?

Because the people who use Pinterest statistically are users who have a great propensity to spend money on the platform and to buy products at the suggestion of what they see on the platform

all features that you cannot overlook in your growth strategy

Comment marketing

Comment marketing is the activity of commenting on websites and blogs related to your niche with the aim of gaining traffic and backlinks

the goal when doing comment marketing is to add value to the content where you are going to comment,

and adding value means completing the article in question with some aspects, adding a point of view that the author has not taken into consideration or adding updates that the author has not covered on his article

blog visits increase with comment marketing if this activity is done correctly

done correctly, comment marketing can bring you many benefits including increased awareness, building your trust in customers and increasing authority in the market.

it can also help you gain approval and reputation for your readers

Increase traffic with infographics

For the human brain, images are much easier to process, which is why it is easier to remember images or photos rather than written words.

infographics leverage precisely on this human characteristic,

the secret to creating an infographic that works is to find a topic that is obviously related to your niche and that solves a certain problem

once you have created this infographic you just have to publish it. Social media are the perfect places to post infographics due to their potential to go viral

Here are some tips for creating a great infographic:

  1. plan the order and scrolling of information
  2. choose 2/3 readable fonts
  3. do not use more than 3 colors
  4. uses original images, original icons and original illustrations
  5. include design elements like arrows, shapes, and lines to organize information
  6. make sure the elements are evenly spaced

Optimize the blog from an SEO perspective

I cannot fail to mention SEO optimization to increase your blog traffic,

blog visits increase with SEO

the goal of blog SEO is precisely to increase the traffic of your blog by optimizing the contents so that the search engine can propose your content to more people

from an SEO perspective , the most important points you need to give more importance to are Google’s ranking factors

What are the ranking factors?

Ranking factors are the elements that the Google algorithm takes into consideration to evaluate a web page and to determine its position in the search results (SERP)

Here is a list of the most important Google ranking factors

  • The page loading speed
  • Optimization for mobile devices
  • internal links
  • Authority
  • Relevance
  • the search intent
  • Content quality
  • Titles and Meta descriptions
  • Backlink

There are more than a hundred ranking factors and every year Google changes something with the updates of its algorithm but these that I have listed are among the main ones, certainly the list is not exhaustive but it can be a great start if you want to optimize your blog for search engines

Understanding users’ search intent

Understanding users ‘search intent can help you increase visits to your blog, Google’s search engine takes users’ search intent into account and based on this it customizes search pages to match search intent. of the user

Search intent is the goal or intent with which a user searches the web and is a major Google ranking factor

There are 4 main research aims:

  • Disclosure
  • Navigation
  • Commercial

If a keyword is searched with the intention of having more information on the latter then the search intent is informative, if instead the user’s search intention is to be directed to another site or to a brand then we talk about navigation intent

If a keyword is searched to buy something then the search intent is commercial

Knowing the search intent and optimizing your content to respond to the search intent allows you to create more optimized content and this increases your chance of ranking in the first searches in search engines

Promote the blog on social media

Another way to increase blog visits is to publish your content on social media, especially if, as we have seen on the previous points, you are able to include infographics in your content.

Promoting your content on social networks is something you have to do when you have the chance, promote your articles on the main social networks

each social network has its own characteristic and each social network has a different audience so choosing the best social network for your content is a decisive choice for the growth of your blog

the visits of the blog increase with the promotion on social networks, to increase the visits to the blog with Instagram you have to prefer content with beautiful images, with a short text and that catch the eye

while to increase visits with Facebook you must prefer contents that intrigue your readers or that arouse great emotions to readers

Insert social buttons in blog articles

One way to increase your blog traffic is to ask your readers to share your content on social media

Insert social buttons especially for your most shareable content, i.e. the content that has the most chance of becoming viral on social networks

What is the content on your blog that people will tend to share the most? Reflect and select the best articles and insert social buttons

Here are some plugins that can help you add social buttons:

  • ShareThis
  • AddThis
  • AddToAny
  • Shareaholic

Do Guest posting

Writing articles on other blogs is an excellent way to gain traffic and readership to your blog by increasing your popularity and authority in your target niche.

Guest posting requires you to contact other blogs and negotiate the possibility of writing an article on their blog but believe me this action can really bring you a huge benefit.

for example, guest posting on one of the most visited and authoritative blogs in the niche will help you increase your visibility as well as help you to make your blog known and publicized

a quality guest post can really help you impress your blog’s online presence and expert positioning in your niche

Another advantage that guest posting gives you is the quality and relevance of the traffic you can receive from this technique

by writing content in a blog with an already established and solid community you can enjoy the benefits of this type of traffic and receive extremely relevant readers with your business

In fact, all online businesses need qualified traffic, i.e. target people with their products and services who visit the web page

and this is because qualified traffic is the one most likely to take actions in front of our products

Another advantage of writing guest posts is the possibility of inserting links in the article that lead to your blog and social pages

these links can help you increase your backlinks and since we know that backlinks are important ranking factors the consequence of a good guest posting campaign is to grow your positions in search engines and therefore also your organic traffic

How can I increase traffic to the blog? 

the main ways to increase blog traffic are:

  • Apply SEO strategies
  • Advertise your blog on social media. 
  • Send your blog to friends and acquaintances
  • Promote your blog on discussion forums and blogs. 
  • Submit your blog to search engines. 

Increasing traffic to your blog is a very important activity for bloggers and is one of the activities that affects the value of the blog and the potential for earnings.

the main activity to increase the blog traffic is promotion, the promotion of the blog can be done through two main channels

paid promotion and organic promotion

for paid promotion the main methods are publishing articles on social media, forums and sharing your articles to friends and potential target readers

while organic promotion is implemented through SEO strategy of positioning on search engines