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How To Create A Private Blog

In this article, I will teach you how to create a private blog,

a private blog is a blog where all the contents are not available online, the articles and pages are not indexed by the search engine and this means that the contents cannot be found through searches on Google, Yahoo or other search engines

a private blog is usually considered as a personal diary due to its nature being private and personal

the private blog is a type of blog used by those bloggers who do not want to share their content with the web or who wish to have a place on the private web accessible only to a small group of readers

in some cases the private blog is also used to create private online spaces accessible only via username and password dedicated to certain segments of readers where to insert exclusive content divided by categories and by public

The main reasons for having a private blog are:

  • have private content that you don’t want to be in the public domain
  • have an area dedicated to private customers
  • have a space to create exclusive content
  • have a space to hold premium content

How To Create a private blog with

WordPress is the most functional and popular CMS (content management system) for blogging in the world

creating a private blog with WordPress is really simple, in fact the service allows you to set up your blog entirely privately

or it allows you to choose which content to make private

this feature is free and included in the basic WordPress package

here is the procedure to create a private blog with WordPress:

  • linked to your account
  • go to general settings / writing
  • select the “private site” option in the site visibility section
  • Save your changes

the process is really simple and fast, after saving the changes you can start writing your private blog

Note: people will only be able to find your site if we have the complete url of your blog

if you only want an article from your private blog, another option is available on WordPress that allows you to select the content to be made private

this allows you to make your blog public but to hide certain parts

to make articles private you have to go to the article editor and choose the visibility of the article before publishing it

select private and non-public mode

in this way the published posts will be visible only to users who have the credentials to access your account

How To Create a private blog with blogger

Blogger is a blogging service managed by Google that allows the creation of private blogs

here are the steps to create a private blog with Blogger:

  • Log in to your blogger account
  • click on settings
  • identify the “privacy” option
  • set privacy to Off

this operation allows the blog not to be displayed by search engines.

if, on the other hand, you intend to select the public and give access to your content only to the people who have the credentials of your blog

you must then go to “permissions” and set access as reader to “private for the author”

this option will limit access to your blog only to readers who have the access keys

save your changes and you are ready to create content for your private blog

How to Create a private blog with Tumblr

Tumblr is the microblogging platform that is used to create blogs and post text or multimedia content

Tumblr allows you to create a private blog starting from the second blog created on the platform

in other words, the first blog must necessarily be public while from the second onwards they can all be private

The procedure for making the blog private with Tumblr is:

  • Log in to your account
  • click on settings in the menu
  • select the name of your secondary blog
  • in the “settings enable” section select “this blog is password protected”
  • enter the password to protect the blog
  • save changes

Tools to create a private blog

my private site

Myprivate site is a WordPress plugin that allows a website administrator to allow only readers who have access credentials to view a blog.

myprivate site was developed by David Gewirtz

and has a rating of 4.5 / 5

Password protected

Password protected is a WordPress plugin to password protect your website and the contents of your site

password protected was developed by WPExperts

has a rating of 4.6 / 5

Private content

Private content is a WordPress plugin that gives you the functionality to show a small portion of your article only to certain users (administrator, authors and publishers)

private content was developed by Aldo Latino

and has a rating of 5/5