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12 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

In this article we will talk about blogging mistakes to avoid when starting a blog  

you have to know the things to do as well as the things not to do

data tells us that 90% of blogs are doomed to fail


knowing what mistakes cause blogging to fail can help lower the chances of failure

in this article we are going to cover the most common actions that lead to failure and that every blogger should be aware of

Here is the list of blog mistakes to avoid:

  1. use free CMS
  2. use non-performing Hosting
  3. use a wrong theme
  4. choose the wrong niche
  5. miss the keyword search
  6. writing low quality articles
  7. Ignore SEO
  8. be irregular in publications
  9. writing boring content
  10. do not interact with readers
  11. neglect the blog aspect
  12. wrong blog promotion

Use free CMS

the CMS (content management system) has the task of facilitating the management of the contents of a website

a blogger can choose when creating the blog to choose between free CMS and paid CMS

using free CMS allows you to lower the costs of the blog but unfortunately these CMS have many disadvantages

for example, a free CMS does not allow customization of the blog structure, the layout of the blog and the theme

in a free CMS hosting is underperforming and the growth of the blog is limited to how much you are willing to spend

also there are many advertisements within these CMS that cannot be eliminated

if you want to create a blog as a hobby the free CMS can be a good compromise but for bloggers who want to make money from the blog it is not the best option

WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular CMS on the web

Use a performing hosting

a hosting service is a network service that allows you to hold all the files you need to create your website. 

a performing hosting allows you to have a blog, fast, stable, reliable 

choosing a hosting is a crucial point when creating a blog

having a performing hosting instead of a poor one has an impact on different aspects of the blog

for example, page loading speed,

a performing hosting allows you a faster loading speed of texts, images and videos of your blog

and as we know the loading speed has an influence on the user experience

the user experience in turn has an impact on SEO positioning

Use a wrong theme

choosing the wrong theme is a mistake to avoid 

by wrong theme I mean a free, poorly maintained theme that has no updates

you must consider that WordPress is a constantly updated platform and therefore also the themes that WordPress must be constantly updated

this for several reasons, but the main reasons are stability, security and performance

as a result, themes that are not updated quickly become obsolete and no longer compatible with WordPress

moreover, a wrong theme can slow down the blog and slowing down a blog can impact search engine rankings

Choosing the wrong niche

the choice of the niche is a fundamental process for the success of a blog,

the factors to consider when choosing the blog niche are:

  • market size
  • market demand
  • passion
  • competition
  • the objectives
  • resources

choosing the wrong niche can cause the blog to fail, 

trying to make room in an overly competitive niche can be the doom of a novice blogger

in fact, many resources are needed to gain visibility in an overly competitive niche 

and this can discourage or force you to leave the blog

Getting the keyword research wrong

keyword research allows you to have a content creation strategy that yields results in most cases

the better you can do keyword research, the better your blog will grow organically

keyword research allows you to understand if there is search volume on the keywords you want to use to write your articles and the level of competition

you will have a logical order of writing the contents to follow that will allow you to position yourself for keywords that are not too difficult at the beginning and then increase in difficulty later on

there are several tools that allow you to do keyword research: Semrush, Ahrefs are the most popular

Writing low quality articles

the quality of the articles must be high

a quality article is an article with useful, easily readable content, with images and videos if needed

Writing high-quality articles increases your likelihood of hitting the first few pages of search results

we must consider that the new updates from Google pay more and more attention to the quality of the articles 

and if you pay attention, the articles that occupy the first pages are usually very long articles, clearly written, without grammar errors and with many useful images and videos

Google’s search engine is moving in this direction, so a low-quality content creation strategy no longer works

try to have high standards when writing articles and integrate original research whenever possible

Don’t have a blogging strategy

By blogging strategy we mean the steps you need to take to reach the goal

blogging strategy is a point every blogger must think about before starting a blog

Goal setting and blogging strategy definition are operations that cannot be ignored

as we know there are different types of bloggers and each blogger has a main goal for his blog

the blogging strategy are the series of steps that must be taken to reach the predetermined goal

a clear strategy helps you to chart the way to get to your goal faster and easier

Ignore SEO

SEO ( search engine optimization) is a fundamental activity for a blog

without SEO a blog risks not being visible online and a blog that is not visible is neither effective nor functional

a blog that is not visible is doomed to fail

SEO is an activity that improves the health of the blog and consequently its positioning on search results

Be irregularities in publications

keeping a blog up to date is an important part of your blogging career

There are two main reasons why you need to keep a blog up to date:

  • readers seek up-to-date information
  • the search engine takes updates into account

readers are always looking for the latest information and tend to follow blogs they publish frequently with more interest

Google’s search engine has an algorithm that controls how often a blog is published and how often articles are updated

obviously for a search engine a blog that is updated more frequently than another has greater credibility

as a result, a better position in search engines results

Writing boring content

Writing boring or uninteresting content drives readers away

Readers want to read stuff that engages them and keeps them interested, so if you write boring or uninteresting posts, they probably won’t stay long.

if readers are not on your blog the Google algorithm can read this value as a negative parameter for your blog

in practice if the readers are not on your blog and your articles then this means that your content is of low quality and not interesting

negative user experience values ​​can lower your blog’s ranking

you always write high quality content and you always value the quality of your content, this can make a real difference

Don’t interact with readers

Not interacting with readers is another mistake that many bloggers make

the opinion of readers on the web is directly proportional to one’s online reputation

not interacting with readers can cause your blog to feel bad about your blog

make sure you always answer your readers’ questions and clarify their issues whenever you get the chance

Readers love to get involved and appreciate when you reply to their comments or ask for their opinions. 

Neglecting the blog aspect 

neglecting the blogging aspect is another very common mistake when it comes to blogging

neglect means not taking care of the graphics of the blog, not taking care of the structure of the blog, and the navigation elements of the blog .

the look of the blog is important because it influences the user experience of readers on our blog

a satisfied reader stays more time on the blog than a dissatisfied reader

and how long users spend on a website is a ranking factor 

Google’s algorithm places blogs that have a good time spent by users in the best positions, which means that a blog with a good user experience is more likely to rank in the top search results

Not promoting the blog properly

blog promotion is one of the most important activities for a blogger

not promoting the blog is a mistake to avoid

in fact it is not enough to create excellent articles but you have to make sure that the greatest number of people view the blog

greater exposure of blog articles to readers results in greater effectiveness of the blog

the best channels for blog promotion are social networks: Facebook , Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram

make sure you are featured on these platforms and share your blog articles with platform users

Another very effective promotion channel is email marketing make sure you create a content strategy that complements the newsletter